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Click on the 'our findings' link for a drop-down menu of all our outputs associated with each project.
Our outputs include policy and research briefs, videos, case studies and journal articles.
Click here to see all our journal articles.

Our projects

  • Antibiotic and drug resistance

    • A study of community case management of pneumonia in Zambiaour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POLICY BRIEF: Rational use of antibiotics by CHWs and caregivers in ZambiaLINK | PDF
      CASE STUDY: Tackling childhood illnesses in Northern Zambia through ICCMLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Assessing quality of care for pneumonia in ICCMLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Rational use of antibiotics by community health workersLINK
    • Reducing irrational use of antibiotics in children with URIs in rural Guangxi Chinaour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POLICY BRIEF: Improving rational use of antibiotics in childhood URIsLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Improving rational use of antibiotics in childhood upper respiratory tract infections in rural ChinaLINK | PDF
      RESOURCE: Antibiotics & URIs deskguide (Mandarin)PDF
      RESOURCE: Antibiotics & URIs guidance booklet for doctors (English)PDF
      RESOURCE: Antibiotics & URIs leaflet (Mandarin)PDF
      RESOURCE: Antibiotics & URIs training materials (Mandarin)PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Protocol for randomised controlled trial for reducing irrational antibiotic prescribing among children with URIs in rural ChinaLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Interventions to reduce childhood antibiotic prescribing for URIsLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Effect of a training and educational intervention for physicians and caregivers on antibiotic prescribing for URIs in children at primary care facilities in rural China: a cluster-randomised controlled trialLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Effect of a training and educational intervention for physicians and caregivers on antibiotic prescribing for URIs in childrenLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Impact of China's essential medicines scheme & zero-mark-up policy on AB prescriptionsLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Cost‐effectiveness analysis of a multi‐dimensional intervention to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for children with upper respiratory tract infections in ChinaLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Antibiotic resistance - the need for global solutionsLINK | PDF
  • Community Dialogue and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

    • Community dialogues for prevention and control of neglected tropical diseasesour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Infographic 'Have you heard of schistosomiasis?'LINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Have you heard of schistosomiasis? Knowledge and practicesLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Knowledge, attitudes and practices with regard to schistosomiasis prevention and control: Two cross-sectional household surveys before and after a Community Dialogue intervention in Nampula province, MozambiqueLINK
    • Diálogos comunitários na prevenção e controlo de doenças tropicais negligenciadasour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aims (Portuguese version)LINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Infographic 'Ja ouviu falar da schistosomose?LINK | PDF
    • Strengthening primary healthcare for neglected tropical diseases in Ethiopiaour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
    • Supporting effective roll-out of dengue prevention and control guidelines in Myanmarour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Supporting roll-out of revised dengue prevention and control guidelines in MyanmarLINK | PDF
  • Malaria

    • Assessing and addressing barriers to IPTp uptake in Ugandaour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: (Formative research)LINK | PDF
      PROJECT BRIEF: (Pilot intervention)PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Assessing & addressing barriers to IPT2 uptake in UgandaLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Strengthening service delivery for IPTp: an mHealth interventionLINK | PDF
      LEARNING PAPER: Informing policy and practice to improve quality of care in IPTpLINK | PDF
      POSTER: Challenges of reporting and recording IPTp uptakePDF
      PRESENTATION: A brief overview of barriers to IPTp uptakePDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Assessing supply-side barriers to uptake of IPTpLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Assessing demand-side barriers to uptake of IPTpLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Improving health worker performance through text messaging: A mixed-methods evaluation of a pilot intervention designed to increase coverage of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in West Nile, UgandaLINK
    • Chemoprevention vs long acting artemisinin for treatment of malaria and anaemia in children in Ghanaour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: SMC - is it effective and acceptable in areas with longer rainy seasons?LINK | PDF
      VIDEO BRIEF: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention for under 5sLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: SMC in areas of extended malaria transmissionLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Facilitators and barriers to extended SMC uptake in GhanaLINK
    • Comparing ICCM in rural and peri-urban villages in Ugandaour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: ICCM in a peri-urban setting: a qualitative evaluation in UgandaLINK
  • Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

    • Delivering enhanced cardiovascular disease and hypertension care through private health care facilities in Pakistanour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Enhanced CVD (hypertension) care through private health facilitiesLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Delivering integrated hypertension care at private health facilities in urban Pakistan: a process evaluationLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Enhanced hypertension care through private clinics in Pakistan: a cluster randomised trialLINK | PDF
    • Developing a decentralised model for NCD service delivery in Lubombo region in Swazilandour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POLICY BRIEF: Decentralising NCD care in Swaziland: successes & challengesLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: A NCD screening programme in a rural African HIV clinicLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Implementation of a NCD screening programme in a rural African HIV clinicLINK
    • Enhanced diabetes and cardiovascular disease management through primary health care in Pakistanour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POLICY BRIEF: Addressing health systems challenges for diabetes care in PakistanLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Diabetes management for patients in rural Pakistan: initial findingsLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Process evaluation of integrated diabetes management at primary healthcare facilities in Pakistan: a mixed-methods studyLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Effectiveness of an integrated diabetes care package at primary healthcare facilities: a cluster randomised trial in PakistanLINK | PDF
    • Improving the diagnosis and treatment of CVD, diabetes and related conditions through primary healthcare in Bangladeshour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Integrating a diabetes and hypertension case management package within primary health care: a mixed methods feasibility study in BangladeshLINK
    • Managing hypertension, diabetes and CVD in Chinaour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POLICY BRIEF: CVD risk reduction in rural China: recommendationsLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: CVD risk reduction in rural China: interim findingsLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Evaluation of systematic CVD risk reduction (exploratory study)LINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Urban and rural differences of acute CVD eventsLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Evaluation of a systematic CVD risk reduction strategy in primary healthcareLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Implementation of a comprehensive intervention for patients at high risk of CVD in rural ChinaLINK
    • Strengthening the delivery of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease care at primary health care facilities in Pakistanour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      CASE STUDY: Integrating NCD care in primary health careLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Preliminary paper on the study designLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Effectiveness of delivering integrated COPD care at public healthcare facilities: a cluster randomised trial in PakistanLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Feasibility of delivering integrated COPD-asthma care at primary and secondary level public healthcare facilities in Pakistan: a process evaluationLINK | PDF
    • Training community health workers to provide care for non-communicable diseases in Bangladeshour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
  • Other Health Service Delivery

    • Assessing the effectiveness of using Public-Private Partnerships to improve family planning services in Bangladeshour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POLICY BRIEF: How can PPP enhance the use of long acting contraceptive methods?LINK | PDF
      CASE STUDY: Using PPP to influence healthare policy and practice in BangladeshLINK | PDF
      LEAFLET: The benefits of LARCs - used in our studyPDF
      POSTER: Encouraging IUD - used in our studyPDF
      POLICY CONTRIBUTION: In-country PPPs hold key to promoting inclusivenessLINK | PDF
    • Developing a behaviour change intervention for tobacco cessation in Nepalour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POLICY BRIEF: Integrating tobacco cessation into the regular health care systemLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: An overview of our methods and findingsLINK | PDF
      VIDEO BRIEF: Experiences of developing a tobacco cessation behaviour change toolLINK
      INFOGRAPHIC: Can behaviour change support reduce tobacco use in Nepal?PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Implementation of tobacco cessation in routine primary careLINK
    • Developing a new service delivery model for male circumcision services in Swazilandour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Do women in Swaziland welcome circumcision for their sons?LINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Early infant male circumcision for HIV preventionLINK
    • Improving primary health care using community clinics in rural Bangladeshour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POLICY BRIEF: Improving the qulaity of care at community clinics in rural BangladeshLINK | PDF
      VIDEO BRIEF: Making community clinics more effectiveLINK
      JOB AID: IMCI job aid (English version)PDF
      JOB AID: IMCI job aid (Bangla version)PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Improving care for children in community clinicsLINK
  • Tuberculosis (TB), Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and HIV/AIDS

    • Approaches to increase TB and HIV case-finding in Swazilandour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Structured 'pre-ART' care: a pathway to better healthLINK | PDF
      CASE STUDY: 8 months in Lubombo - a story of changeLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Models of TB contact tracing in rural southern AfricaLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Evaluation of a 'pre-ART care' service in SwazilandLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Mobile phone reminders to improve HIV results attendanceLINK
    • Developing a psycho-social support (PSS) intervention for people with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and co-morbid depression in Bangladesh: a feasibility studyour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
    • Establishing a service delivery model of MDR TB diagnosis, treatment and care in Swazilandour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Integrating intensified case finding of tuberculosis into HIV care: an evaluation from rural SwazilandLINK
      ARTICLE: Infection control in a developing worldLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Effects of financial incentives for treatment supporters on TB outcomesLINK
    • Improving MDR-TB control in Shandong, Chinaour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POLICY BRIEF: Lessons from ShandongLINK | PDF
      VIDEO BRIEF: MDR-TB treatment - the role of family (English)LINK
      VIDEO BRIEF: MDR-TB treatment - the role of family (Mandarin)LINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Diagnostic and treatment delays of MDR-TBLINK | PDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Treatment interruption and association with DOTLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Association between DOT and treatment outcomes for MDR-TBLINK
      LANCET ABSTRACT: Treatment interruption and DOT for patients with MDR-TB in ChinaPDF
    • Improving supervision and patient support for drug resistant TB patients in Nepalour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: Women and their mental and social wellbeing during MDR-TB treatmentLINK | PDF
      VIDEO BRIEF: Treatment challenges for MDR-TB patients in NepalLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Importance of counselling & financial support for MDR-TB patientsLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Developing a patient-centred, psychosocial support interventionLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Implementation of a psychosocial support package for people receiving treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Nepal: A feasibility and acceptability studyLINK
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Depression and anxiety in patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Nepal: an observational studyLINK | PDF
    • Piloting a new model for diagnosing and treating depression in those living with HIV/AIDS in Lubomboour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      RESOURCE: NCDs and Mental Health, a comprehensive desk guide, EswatiniLINK | PDF
    • The effectiveness and feasibility of hospital and community-based care delivery for MDR-TB in Pakistanour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
  • Urban healthcare

    • Developing a national strategy to deliver essential health care services in urban areas of Nepalour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      POSTER: Rapid assessment of urban health facilities in NepalPDF
      JOURNAL ARTICLE: Addressing inequalities in urban healthLINK
    • Media workshops on urban healthour findings [+]
    • PROJECT BRIEF: Background and aimsLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: 7 main health themes infographicLINK | PDF
      RESEARCH BRIEF: What issues can Nepali journalists report?LINK | PDF
      CASE STUDY: Helping journalists write better stories on urban health issuesLINK | PDF
      LEARNING PAPER: Health reporting in The Kathmandu Post, NepalPDF