Improving MDR-TB control in Shandong, China

This study aims to improve Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) case detection and community based management in Shandong, China.
China has the 2nd highest number of TB cases and MDR-TB cases in the world. In 2010, China had an estimated1.5 million TB cases, 6.8% of which were multi drug resistant.
The China National TB Programme (NTP) issued guidelines on MDR-TB control improve the detection and management of MDR TB throughout the country. Shandong is one of 12 provinces in China to implement a Global Fund project to identify and treat MDR-TB patients. Despite the good progress made, challenges still exist in identifying suspected MDR-TB patients, rapid screening and treatment, supply of necessary drugs and Directly Observed Treatment.
It is important that national guidelines for case identification and treatment are clear and easy for doctors and healthcare workers to use within their health facilities. COMDIS-HSD China will revise a user-friendly MDR-TB case management guide, developed by the Pakistan NTP and COMDIS-HSD partner Association for Social Development, to improve case finding and treatment of MDR-TB in Shandong, China.
The research consists of 2 parts:
Part I: To identify the barriers of case management from the
MDR-TB patients’ and providers’ experiences during 3 periods:
1) identification of suspected cases,
2) culture and drug sensitivity tests, and
3) MDR treatment.
Part II: To revise the China national MDR-TB case detection and management guidelines based on the results of Part 1 of the study and using the Pakistan MDR-TB guidelines.
Study outcomes
The results from this study will be used to plan a further randomised study looking at the effect of using more user friendly guidelines to identify and manage MDR-TB in China.
For more information, email Simin Deng at

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