COMDIS China and other colleagues, are developing Covid-19 guidelines for ‘Hospital Covid-19 operations management and infection prevention and control (IPC)’, and a Covid-19 clinical deskguide and training for general hospital and health centre outpatients. These are prepared based on WHO, UK NICE, China and other country guidelines, targeted to the needs to specific facilities/ health workers. Also a health worker training app being used in Nigeria, through a smart phone app by our partner InStrat Nigeria and Plus91 India.
This is with funding from Gates foundation and Grand Challenges Canada, by Prof. Xiaolin Wei (now at the University of Toronto) and our COMDIS China colleagues, and John Walley of the Nuffield, LIHS, Leeds. This is being reviewed and adapted for the Philippines and Sri Lanka, Nigeria and Sierra Leone and will provided for adaptation by other LMICs.
Coronavirus / Covid-19 WHO guidance:
for technical guidance and other key information. Myths are spreading through social media – see the ‘Myth buster‘ section.
Tools, tips and guides: Added May 2020
- Management guidelines for COVID-19 care and infection prevention & control in the healthcare setting – generic Africa version, available for use, and country adaptation.
- Health worker deskguide in the context of COVID-19 Africa
- Deskguide for outpatient consultation in hospital in the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Generic for country adaptation (based on the Philippines vs of 12th May)
- Management guidelines for COVID-19 infection prevention & control in the healthcare setting – Generic LMICs (based on the Philippines vs) of 12/05/20
Covid-19 globally and in COMDIS-partner countries. See PIDE Covid-19 series, ‘Covid-19 war’ interview of Professor John Walley on prevention and health care priorities, Pakistan, of 5th April.
Pakistan: The Hepatitis and Infection Control Program Punjab has launched a set of care-products for integrated hepatitis care.
Nigeria: This package has been reviewed and is being adapted for Nigeria by the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital in liaison with the federal hepatitis programme….
The care-products include: Case management desk-guide Doctor training module (English) Nurses training module (Urdu) Patient counseling tool (pictorial) Set of recording/ reporting tools.