The Hepatitis and Infection Control Program Punjab has launched a set of care-products for integrated hepatitis care. The care-products include:
- Case management desk-guide
- Doctor training module (English)
- Nurses training module (Urdu)
- Patient counseling tool (pictorial)
- Set of recording/ reporting tools
These care-products have been developed through collaborative efforts of the program and the non-government partners (Association for Social Development and Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development, LIHS, University of Leeds UK, in dialogue with WHO. These contextualized care-products are meant to support rapid expansion of integrated hepatitis care in Punjab (other provinces of Pakistan; and other countries in the region).
Muhammad Amir Khan MBBS, DHA, MPH, PhD, FFPH (UK)
Chief Coordinating Professional
Association for Social Development, Pakistan.
Tel: (92 51) 2611230-3
Muhammad Amir Khan is honored to have been awarded the Princess Chichibu Memorial TB Global Award 2018.
The Association is honored to have been awarded the Karel Styblo Prize 2010.